Thema: Flag fetish
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Alt 18. January 2023, 09:22   #13
FireArmyJetBulle ist offline FireArmyJetBulle
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on the planet

Standard AW: Flag fetish

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Me, too

However, I've been wondering whether these bright colourful flags on the sleeve of camouflage uniforms wil increase the risk of being detected in the woods so they should be replaced by something less obtrusive ? E.g. a black and white version of the flag ?

To avoid detection, in combat, most modern soldiers use special 'low resolution/visibility' flags nowadays. They've got patches in this a fashion, also at the police force. The colors are dampened in various visibility modes, some only visible for a certain infrared wavelength, some even invisible to night vision gear.

Sorry for the size of this, maybe an admin can downsize.

Just to mention, for me, flags and patches are quite a part of the fetish and one of the main carriers that attract. I've also got huge country flags (Canada) that I cherish, and the one in my avatar ( SE-Marine) gifted on a shirt, several from SEK NRW police and my own C.O.-YK patches I guard like my precious. My BW-'Flecktarn'-Feldbluse and the Parka, of course, have the usual German flag, too.

For example:
***In hoc signo vinces***

Geändert von FireArmyJetBulle (18. January 2023 um 09:34 Uhr)
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